
Baseball Perspectives

MLB.com弄了一個叫"Baseball Perspectives"的專欄,內容是Barry Bonds的日記,看起來好像是要為Bonds追逐全壘打記錄造勢吧。第一篇在講日前的記者會,下面摘錄部分內容:
Every time I try to give them what they want, there's something else they're trying to find or make me say that's negative.

I'm a human being. I'm not perfect. I'm not going to be perfect.

But don't just jump on me every chance you get, because I don't satisfy your need at the moment. That's not fair to me as a person.
這讓我想到我們的老朋友Milton Bradley最近接受訪問時,提到先前因為妨礙公務在牢裡度過三天時想了些什麼:
I sat in jail thinking about all the people who put me into that position......They were probably smiling, laughing, saying, 'We got him where we want him now.' The police, the media, they probably all thought I had proven them right, made them look like geniuses. The picture had been painted of me as an angry black guy. But you won't find anybody else who knows me who will say anything bad about me. ... The public perception may be what it is, but if I was that bad of a guy, I wouldn't be here.
所以我說啊,對於棒球選手,我們看他們場上的表現就好了,別把他們當成心靈導師。當然了,也不是每個人都是這種態度,Bonds在海盜隊的時候跟媒體關係就很差(跟Albert Belle一樣),還因此拿不到MVP(似乎也跟Belle一樣),相對的,有人跟媒體關係就很好,舉例來說吧,Omar Vizquel剛 被交易到印地安人隊時,有一場比賽失誤連連,賽後當然是記者採訪的焦點。Vizquel就在球員休息室裡一個一個回答記者的問題,有什麼就講什麼,態度也 很溫和,這或許也是他為什麼如此受到喜愛的原因之一。當年Vizquel接受採訪的時候,另一個小伙子在旁邊目睹這個過程,他決定要學習這種態度,這個人 就是Jim Thome

說到Bradley,他好像有一個BlogJody Gerut也有一個。Bonds的不知道能持續多久?


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